Rabbit FactsAbout the animals at Clark's Elioak Petting Farm

Over the years, we have had these rabbit breeds at the farm: Flemish Giants, American Fuzzy Lop, Mini Rex, Dutch and Rex.
We usually have 3-4 rabbits at the farm for visitors to see. The children enjoy petting their soft fur, but we all need to be careful to avoid their very sharp nails when picking them up and holding them.
A mother rabbit makes a nest of her own fur for her babies.
Baby rabbits are born with no fur and are blind and helpless.
Rabbits can be very crafty and quick. To get away from a predator, a cottontail rabbit will run in a zigzag pattern and reach speeds of up to 18 miles an hour, according to National Geographic.
Their ears can grow to 4 inches. This stretched out length allows them to hear predators that may be approaching. It also allows them to stay cool in hot climates. Extra body heat is released through blood vessels in the ear.
The fur of the Angora Rabbit is spun into yarn.
Their eyes are made for safety, too, since each eye can rotate 360 degrees. This allows them to look behind them without turning their heads.
Rabbits eat a plant-based diet and do not eat meat. During warm months, rabbits will nibble on herbs, peas, grasses, clover, lettuce and greens. In the winter months they eat twigs, bark and buds.
Flemish Giants are a large rabbit breed. They can weigh as much as 20 pounds.
Lop breeds are rabbits with floppy ears. The American Lop ears may be 4 to 6 inches long. The ears of the English Lop may grow more than 2 ft long.
There are over 30 breeds of rabbits.
Although originating in Europe and Africa, wild rabbits now live throughout the world. Wild rabbits can be found in woods, forests, meadows, grasslands, deserts, tundra and wetlands.
All rabbits, except cottontails, live underground in burrows, or rabbit holes. A group of burrows is called a warren.
Many rabbits are used for show and as pets. Some popular breeds are Dutch, Holland Lop, Mini Rex, Netherland Dwarf and Satin. For shows judges rate them on size, shape and the quality and color of their fur.
Some facts from the website, www.livescience.com