Employment OpportunitiesAt Clark's Elioak Farm.

Each year we have seasonal part-time job opportunities available at our farm.
Weekend Employment Opportunities:
When we open in the Spring, we look for employees who want to work on the weekends to help with pony rides, with the care of our animals and as birthday party guides. Experience with horses is recommended, but not required. Training is provided. You must enjoy children, animals and working outdoors.
Weekday Employment Opportunities:
We also hire part-time tour guides and tractor drivers to help us with weekday morning educational tours during the Spring and Fall. Training is provided. Come help us share knowledge about our animals, gardens and pond habitat with children, parents and teachers from schools, day cares and home school groups.
Extra Employment Opportunities in the Fall:
We are busiest in the Fall, so we always hire additional staff in September. Be sure to apply in August if you would like to be considered for employment in the Fall for positions as weekday tour guides, weekend party guides and pony ride walkers, tractor drivers, and cashiers.
To apply, complete the form below and email it to Martha Clark at clarkselioakfarm@hotmail.com.