2024 Calendar of Weekend Events


Free hayrides for all fathers and grandfathers accompanied by a child on both Saturday and Sunday. Happy Father's Day to all our wonderful fathers!!!

Nora and JessFriday JUNE 28, 2024: CLARK'S PRODUCE STAND opens!

Fresh vegetables straight from the farm. You can’t get more local than that. Come to our roadside produce stand for sweet corn, tomatoes, peppers, cucumbers, squash, watermelon, cantaloupe. Pick-your-own flowers, too.

The Produce Stand is open seven days a week 11 AM to 6 PM.

Saturday JULY 6, 2024 WORKING ON THE FARM - 10am to 5pm

Farmer James, our toddler farmer, can do many jobs on the farm. How many can you do? We had so much fun on our June 1st "Working On The Farm" day that we are doing it again the first Saturday of every month in the summer. Our youngest visitors are invited to come to the Kid’s Farm area and try their hand at some fun farm chores. Gathering eggs, picking apples, digging in the garden and mowing the grass are all farm chores that our littlest friends can do. Want to give it a try?

Fairy Weekend at Clark's Farm Saturday and Sunday JULY 13-14, 2024 FAIRY FESTIVAL

On July 13th and 14th Clark’s Elioak Farm will be hosting Fairy Days at the Farm. Along with our usual activities: petting farm, hayrides, pony rides, there will be games and activities in the Enchanted Pine Forest. Come into the forest to toss bees to pollinate the flowers, jump like a frog, spin like a fairy, create fairy and dragon art with nature. You can participate in an alphabet scavenger hunt that leads to the Fairy Forest where you can hear a fairy story or two. Join us for a fun day of rides, games, food, and laughter.

Saturday AUGUST 3, 2024 WORKING ON THE FARM - 10am to 5pm

Farmer James, our toddler farmer, can do many jobs on the farm. How many can you do? Our youngest visitors are invited to come to the Kid’s Farm area and try their hand at some fun farm chores. Gathering eggs, picking apples, digging in the garden and mowing the grass are all farm chores that our littlest friends can do. Come be a farmer, too

Sunflower Showcase at Clarks Farm August 17 - Sept 8, 2024: SUNFLOWER SHOWCASE

Our sunflowers are in bloom. Come out and wander through the patch and get some great photos. We will also be visited throughout the Sunflower Showcase by our friends from Kettle Krazed who will be serving kettle corn, refreshing flavored lemonade, and cotton candy. Come on out and enjoy our beautiful sunflowers.

Click on the following links to schedule a BIRTHDAY PARTY or GROUP TOUR